
The Need For A Less Volatile Response For Illegal Immigration

Best Essays

Kiefer Sommerfield
English 11 AP
2 March 2015
The Need for a Less Volatile Response to Illegal Immigration Although a set of morals governs every way of life, practicality takes reign over society 's loyalty to virtue. Altruism is dead; in the business world set up by America, it becomes increasingly difficult to help others when self-drive and self-interest form the infrastructure of a capitalist system. With respect to illegal immigration, little difference lies between supporters and protesters except that one is willing to share such an infrastructure. Nonetheless, while illegal immigrants appear to threaten American society and its economy, the United States ' concerns with self-preservation must be set aside in order to remake the idea of the individual and eliminate deportation—a practice that both disgraces the basis of the American dream and is functionally ineffective. The connotation of “illegal” immigration implies that a majority of immigrants enter the American border only to organize crime, yet a larger proportion of illegal aliens come to America solely with the intent to work. In reality, illegal immigrants demonstrate strong loyalty to America, placing importance in its function as a shelter and refuge from persecution (Gold 3). Thus, in contrast to the stereotypical portrait of illegal immigrants, the unauthorized population represents a responsible minority that demonstrates respect and compliance with American policies. According to the article,

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