
The Negative Benefits Of Eugenics And Designer Babies

Better Essays

Designer Babies Imagine if your child was genetically predisposed to a life altering disorder or chronic illness. Now imagine if you had the ability to rid your child of that risk. Wouldn’t you want the ability to help your child live a happy and healthy life? For example if you carried the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, which is a hereditary genome passed through the DNA from a Child’s parent that increases the risk of developing breast cancer by an average of fifty-five percent compared to those who don’t carry the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene(National Cancer Institute).Wouldn’t you want the chance to remove those cancer causing genes from being passed on to your child? You could prevent the possibility of your beloved son or daughter from going through cancer treatment or worse, a slow and painful death. With the new technology of Genetic modification you can have the ability to do these things. Genetic modification has intrigued mankind for centuries. While today’s society may view eugenics in a dark controlling manner due to the power hungry actions taken by people or groups to create a “perfect human race”, science still presses on in the search to create a faultless, healthy human race. In order to successfully understand the benefits of genetically modifying human embryos, we must be able to weigh out the negative arguments towards eugenics and designer babies, and realize that designer babies are a progression in today's society. The modifications made to a set of genes through

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