
The New Underground Railroad Markusoff Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Markusoff presents the article “The New Underground Railroad” which explains what Canada represents for immigrants, and describes true stories about the global situation. The author illustrates the risks that many take for freedom, dignity, and hope; moreover, he explains the reason why immigrants assume that risk to journey through the underground to have a better life. Simultaneously, the story gives an important reflection about discrimination in other countries and the benefits that Canadians have. This article evidence the global situation and the significant issue of immigration.Ultimately, the writer makes a comparison between the United States and Canada regarding human rights, dignity, and safety.
According to article, the stakeholders, people who are affected by the issue, are Somali immigrants, the United States’ government, Canada’s government, Canada’s police, and the United States’ police. The article centres around …show more content…

Human rights and new opportunities are important for people in countries with social issues; however, Canada is accepting a significant responsibility letting these people in, and this is an important point that the writer does not mention. It is crucial to understand why the United States is rejecting Somali immigrants and the key arguments the Canadian government has to let them in, and this is other point that the author did not develop. This issue needs a complex solution, one is to educate society about the situation in which immigrants live, and present them the stories behind immigrants. North American society should understand the situation and the effects of discrimination because if people know what is happening it is easier to do something about it. Society must comprehend the situation to feel concern and then try to

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