
The Odysseus: A True Hero

Satisfactory Essays

Even though a majority of the story is about Odysseus, he is not a hero in The Odyssey. He boasts about everything, he gets his men killed, and he leaves his men behind. But a major thing he did was disrespecting the gods, in example. not giving credit to Poseidon for (Source 1) summoning a sea serpent to get the Trojan horse into Troy. Odysseus doesn’t do a single thing for others. Even though he fought for his people, he is not a hero because he thinks only of himself and doesn’t respect others. Odysseus was told by Circes that fighting Scylla would be a terrible decision, but Odysseus did not listen and got crew members killed. He also did not listen to Eurylochus when told to not go exploring, and got his men turned into pigs. Odysseus

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