
The Odyssey : Argumentative Essay

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The Odyssey: Argumentative Essay “Thinking before acting is wisdom, but acting before thinking is regret. (” This quote relates directly to the main character in The Odyssey, Odysseus, who is trying to get home to his wife and son who are being bombarded by suitors to take her hand in marriage, unknowing of the return of Odysseus. As Odysseus journeys home with his crew, they overcome many obstacles with the help of his leadership and the mythological greek gods, yet lose many crew members along the way. Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseus endangers many people including people he does not even know. As much as people may say that Odysseus was a great leader, there is more evidence that he puts his crew in danger absent-mindedly, risks his family to get revenge, and deals with his problematic people in cruel and idiotic ways, proving he is not, in fact, a morally good man. Although Odysseus really cares for his crew, he puts them in danger without learning from the incidences, too many times. Some of the danger is shown for the first time by Odysseus and his crew arriving at the Land of the Cyclops where they rudely make themselves at home in a cave (home), while looking around . Odysseus describes,
Filling a great goatskin mow, I took this wine, provisions too in a leather sack….
‘Strangers!’ he thundered out, ‘now who are you?... who risk their lives to plunder other men?’
Lurching up, he lunged out with his hands toward my men and snatching two at once,

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