
The Only Way Out in Richard Miller´s The Dark Night of the Soul

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Richard E. Miller, the author of The Dark Night of the Soul, is an English professor/executive director of the Plan-genre Writing Center at Rutgers University. He studies the English curriculum in the U.S and questions if it is successful or a dying art. This is evident in The Dark night of the Soul,
It can be quite a shock to confront the possibility that reading, writing, and talking exercise almost none of the powers we regularly attribute to them in our favorite stories. The dark night of the soul for literacy workers comes with the realization that training students to read, write, and talk in more critical and self- reflective ways cannot protect them from the violent changes our culture is undergoing.
Miller through-out the essay …show more content…

John. Miller though says that one can face their dark night of their soul by using the art of writing. “To write by virtue of their deep insights into the human spirit; that a world filled with artistic creations is superior to one filled with the cast offs of the consumer culture; that writing provides access to immortality.” Joining the Liars Club is a perfect example of someone using writing to face their past, their darkest part of their soul. “Writing, as she uses it, is a hermeneutic practice that involves witnessing the mundane horrors of the past in order to make peace with that past”, states Miller. The Dark night of one’s soul is a personal fear, past, journey that in the end you reach a sense of peace.
The book A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer is an exquisite book. It is Mr. Pelzers’ way of dealing with the dark night of his soul. He tells his journey through extreme child abuse, and how he overcame his past and now uses it for good. When I was younger and going through a rough time I picked up this book and read it in one day, I was overwhelmed with the fact that someone made it out of all that ,this great man did and he still continued to have a positive attitude. Seeing that he could face his past, now as an adult I know I can face mine. As I read his story tears poured down my face

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