
The Opposite Of Love Is Not Hate Its Indifference Analysis

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A very important quote once by Elie Wiese states, “The Opposite of Love is Not Hate its Indifference, The Opposite of Faith is not Heresy, its indifference, and the Opposite of Life is Not Death, But the Indifference Between Life in Death.
Anyone who knows anything know that Indifference means ‘Without Concern” and the quote that was said by Elie Wiese means that once you no longer Feel Love or no Longer Feel Hate or Heresy then you feel Indifference. Like when the people at the Holocaust felt indifference because they had no hope for themselves and they did not feel anything because they all thought they were going to die. One time when I was very sick I felt indifference like the Jews in the Holocaust because I was hungry and I couldn’t

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