
The, Or Involuntary Musical Imagery

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Earworms, or involuntary musical imagery (INMI, as cited in Liikkanen, 2008) is a phenomenon where a song plays in one’s own mind repeatedly in an involuntary manner. It has been researched that popular songs are the most dominant earworms , but this experiment has intentions to analyse earworm data from songs having varying levels of popularity and experience for a variety of resulting data. The aim for this experiment is how likely a song would become an earworm via two conditions. Firstly, on how much the participant likes the song after listening to it 6 times, or the estimated amount of times the song has been listened to. This was measured by the amount of earworm episodes and their length of time. Previous research has outlined potential parallels of INMI and other memory types, or perhaps an association on tempo recollection of an earworm and the sensorimotor system .
Previous research
A previous published experiment Tracking the Tempo of Involuntary Musical Imagery in Everyday Life has introduced new ways to research the INMI phenomenon, and this paper is trying to achieve something similar. The aim there was to find how accurate a person can recall the tempo of an INMI and whether an INMI was affected by an effective state. A conventional approach over four days was used for the method of self-reporting data where a participant uses a watch to record the tempo via tapping it, and a paper diary with a multitude of data to fill out in regards of an

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