
The Origin Of The Torah

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Joseph Blenkinsopp is the most contemporary scholar to date, that debates the highly contested issue of the Documentary Hypothesis. This theory relates to the origins of the Torah, also known as the Pentateuch, meaning ‘instruction’, and is part of the Hebrew Bible, including the following five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The Documentary Hypothesis questions the authority of the author and source of the Torah. The Documentary Hypothesis is also known as the Julius Wellhausen proposition. This theory essentially proposes the notion that the Torah was actually derived from at least four independent, original narratives that, when combined, make up this one codex. Thus refuting the original and …show more content…

In terms of the dating of the four sources in a chronological order, the Yahwist source (J) ‘is the oldest of the four strands from which the Pentateuch was composed’ (Barton, 1991, page 159) and was written in 950 BCE. The Elohist source (E) was written in 850 BCE. The third source, Deuteronomist (D) was written in 600 BCE and finally the Priestly source (P) was written in 500 BCE. In J, the term Yahweh refers to God and ‘is a deity who often interacts personally and directly with humans’ (Coogan, 2008, page 16). The next source, E, refers to God in Hebrew as Elohim and is referred to this term throughout Genesis. Next comes D as this source relies heavily upon the book of Deuteronomy. Lastly, P ‘focuses on matters of ritual and religious observance’ (Coogan, 2008, page 16). Within this last source, God is also referred to as Elohim.
Similarly, the topic of the Synoptic Gospel and its problems relate to the questions surrounding this core issue. With the Synoptic Gospel, similarities are found across all three gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Stories were accounted for and verbal identical versions were found too, so the speculative questions that revolved around this matter, were how can this phenomenon be explained? Who copied from whom? Or was there an older document that acted as a source? The same type of questions can also be said for the Documentary Hypothesis as the same themes are running through this

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