
The Origins Of The Human Of South America, And Through The Analysis Of Morphological Data

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There is much debate about the origins of human in South America, and through the analysis of morphological data scientists believe they can solve this problem. Scientists are trying to establish a biological pattern, which will allow them to better track people’s movement. The best way to test these migration theories is by analyzing three important things. The first of which is studying the morphology of the human remains, such as teeth, hair, body shape, head shape, and skeletal form, which help scientists distinguish between groups of people. Second, the use of genetic analysis allows archaeologists to view the genetic makeup of these early people and analyze their genetic code to look for small mistakes, which can link groups of people together. Combining this scientific data with archaeological evidence, allows archaeologists to generate a better image of the past and to learn about early south Amerindians who began to inhabit South America. This is difficult because the environment of South America has had several distinct effects on the human body and has created much variation among its inhabitants over the course of several thousand years. These variations make the peopling of South America difficult which necessitates the use of a systematic scientific approach like those used by archaeologists and researchers. Jose De Acosta was a Spanish priest born in the 15th century who documented the Native populations he encountered while in South America. De Acosta

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