
The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates

Decent Essays

For my final paper, I decided to read the autobiography, The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates, by Wes Moore. The story is about one boy named Wes Moore, the author, who was facing poverty while trying to receive a proper education, and of Wes Moore, a boy who lives in the same neighborhood, whos is convicted of murder in the first-degree, and sentenced to a life in prison. These boys grew up in very similar circumstances, but how does one go on to being successful in his life, while the other ends up in a jail cell for the rest of his life? The book tell the author's side of the story. Starting from his early childhood years to later in life. We see Wes Moore growing up in very poor conditions, where his family barely makes it. We see Wes …show more content…

With the author Wes Moore, we see his family and friends pushing to get him out of the projects, and into a great life. His mother dropped out of school to support him and his sister, and keep food on the table. When his mother made him attend the military college in Valley Forge, his family had to come together to scrape enough money to pay for his schooling. The “other” Wes Moore, had a bit of a different scenario. Without a father figure, Wes’ brother takes him into his arms, and teaches him his ways criminality. We see Wes turn to dealing drugs, just like his brother did. His mother was also a drug user, which most likely affected Wes in some way. This is where we see the difference between the two Wes’. The “other” Wes is getting pulled into a life of crime by family members, and isn’t being supported fully to tap the most successfulness out of him. With the idea of Nature vs. Nurture, we talk about how your environment plays a big role in what you do with your life. We see the author Wes Moore’s environment is one of a supportive type, with people trying their hardest to make him successful in life. While the “other” Wes is pulled into a life of crime, due to it being around him from the start of his life. While both these boy were similar in a lot of ways, we see them take two completely different

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