
The Outsiders Thematic Statement Analysis

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One of the many thematic statement that can be made about The Outsiders is that anyone can change no matter how hardened they may seem. This statement is supported by three main events from the book: Ponyboy realizes that Dally cared about Johnny, Ponyboy and Darry really connect, and Ponyboy's view on Socs changes 163, 115-117. One example of how anyone can change is when Ponyboy is in Johnny's hospital room with Dally. When Johnny dies, Dally repeatedly asks Johnny not to die and then proceeds to run out of the room in a full sprint. When Ponyboy returns to his house, he is talking with his friends when he realizes that Johnny was the only thing that Dally cared about and when Johnny died, Dally finally broke. This is supported by, "Why …show more content…

Ponyboy realizes that Socs are just like greasers with more money and a higher public opinion. This is supported by, "Cherry had said her friends were too cool to feel anything, and yet she could remember watching sunsets. Randy was supposed to be too cool to feel anything, and yet there was pain in his eyes" (Hinton 116). This quotes shows that although the Socs on the surface were these tough and hardened guys that could take anything without flinching, but underneath, they were just like their greasers and could feel pain and needed comfort. Ponyboy's view also changes after the part in their conversation where Randy told Ponyboy that Bob had just wanted his parents to set some boundaries for him. For example, Bob had thought that if he came home drunk he parents would surely punish him, but they just blamed themselves for Bob being drunk and thought that it was something that they had done. This is seen when, "one time he came home drunker than anything. He thought sure they were gonna raise the roof. You know what they did? They though it was something they'd done" (Hinton 116). This shows that Bob's parents possibly loved him too much and let him do whatever he wanted, even if that was breaking the

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