
The Pardoner Tale

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The Pardoner and His Tale The Pardoner is a renaissance figure that wanders the lands in hopes of bringing forgiveness to those in need. This Pardoner is a bad pardoner among the other pardoners. The tale that he tells is a moral one that is suppose to bring about the desire from people to ask for forgiveness. Instead the Pardoner uses this tale as a way of contracting money from his fellow pilgrims. The Pardoner is a person that is suppose to practice what he preaches. What that person does affects those that look up to that person. The Pardoner must be able to tell of tales that bring about hope. The way in which that might happen is through example. If the pardoner is unable to produce a tale that convinces the audience of …show more content…

Mary's of Roncevalles. An honest pardoner would be much like a fund-raiser for any religious or charitable organization today. But a dishonest pardoner like this one had many opportunities to profit at the expense of the naive. Once he was able to "stir them to devotion" (VI,C,346), he could pull out his "relics," odds and ends, bits of stones and bones and cloth, and offer them for sale(Hallissy 214). A Pardoner is not necessarily a bad person. That is true because not all people are bad, just that there are always "some rotten apples in every good batch." This is true about this such pardoner. By trade the Pardoner is a preacher. His task is to use his rhetorical gifts to persuade his hearers to repent and be saved. The sermon, then and now, is a major part of the Christian liturgy. The homilist selects a scriptural passage on which to expound, typically one selected from the day's liturgy. Since the Pardoner is an itinerant preacher and not a parish clerk, his audience changes. So he uses not only the same text but also the same sermon over and over. His scriptural passage is always the same: "Radix malorum est Cupidatas" (VI, C, 334); cupidity, the inordinate desire for or excessive love of money, is the root of all evil. Nothing is wrong with this text, or even the Pardoner's sermon on it. Something is very wrong when the Pardoner's intention, however. He deliberately uses his considerable homiletic skills

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