
The Patriarchal Nature Of Human Society Has Existed For

Decent Essays

The patriarchal nature of human society has existed for thousands of years. From the early Greeks and Romans to the great nation of America, oppression exists that gives men the upper hand. Margaret Atwood uses her novel The Handmaid’s Tale, inspired by WWII and resembling George Orwell’s 1984, to give readers an idea, a warning, of what is to come if this trend continues. The deeper question that arises when considering the material is who is truly at fault for the current system. Does the control of men reach so far at this point in history that women have no chance on their own of overturning it? Or is some of the responsibility on the women themselves to do anything they can to make up the difference? A mixture of both is appropriate …show more content…

The little scratched writing then becomes her mantra through most of the novel. She also finds a friend in Ofglen who is a part of the rebellion, giving her more hope and power. She realizes that there really is an “underground” of sorts, a network of information and a group of people who has the same views as her. It’s almost a dream come true. She replays the memories of her previous life in her head, keeping it alive and vibrant. Since one of the goals of the regime is to snuff out the life of before, it is another little rebellion to hold onto those memories, and another sin altogether to speak of them, which is seen when New Ofglen chastises Offred for speaking of Mayday. Offred infuses her story with many of her wild ideas; she has thoughts of burning the house down with the match Serena Joy gives her, of hanging herself as a way of taking control of her own body. There are many snippets and tidbits of information and opportunity at Offred’s disposal. It is obvious that she is shackled by the new patriarchal society of the former United States and she gives her story a sense of building, of looking for ways to break her bonds. Unfortunately, due to her own character flaws, her inability to see the big picture, she fails to do so. Offred begins to fall apart towards the end of the story and the clarity of her narration is muddled. Her memories used to function as a source of hope and purpose, but they end up contributing to Offred’s

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