
The Perfect Picture Analysis

Decent Essays

Essay #4: Analyzing the setting of The Perfect Picture Stories are made in hopes of entertaining readers and capturing their attention. In order to have a successful story, writers will incorporate many different elements. One element that makes up a good story is the setting. Like the word suggests, the setting helps set up all the elements of the story; it can provide the entire mood or feeling for the story. In James Alexander Thom's short story The Perfect Picture, the setting is at the home of a family whose grandfather accidentally ran over his young granddaughter in the driveway. In the story, the narrator goes on to explain that he is a police reporter yet he cannot bring himself to write about this accident for the news. Like most stories, The Perfect Picture uses description/illustration, narration, comparison, and definition and to try to help make the story and setting memorable. It is important to capture your readers with a good description and illustration of a setting. You want the reader to have a mental image in their head while they read a story. Readers want to be able to have a connection with a story and being able to understand the setting can definitely help. In The Perfect Picture, the author does a good job of describing the setting of he story. For example, right in the beginning of the story, the author describes the weather in the story, saying: “It was early in the spring about 15 years ago-a day of pale sunlight and trees just beginning to

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