
The Perils Of Indifference By Elie Wiesel

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The perils of indifference by Elie Wiesel is, indeed, a successful piece of work. Wiesel being a victim of the Holocaust, speaks out against the issue of indifference and at the end of his speech, provides a resolution to this issue. He is a Jewish man whose family, including himself, suffered a lot from the Holocaust. His speech is aimed towards the white house and its constituents, those affected by the indifference towards the Holocaust and the world in general. Using rhetorical appeals, rhetorical questions and imagery, Wiesel successfully confronts his audience on this act of indifference and persuades them to change towards having compassion and empathizing with others especially those victimized by the Holocaust. All three rhetorical appeals were used effectively in this piece; however, Elie Wiesel's piece is more emotional than logical. He uses a lot more of the ethos and pathos appeal than the logos appeal. His use of ethos gives him credibility in the sight of this audience; while pathos improves the emotional effect his choice of words and life experiences has on his audience. He constantly sights examples and gives details on the things he, alongside others who witnessed the Holocaust, had to go through. One of such examples Wiesel (1999) gave was: In the place I come from, the society was composed of three simple categories: the killers, the victims, and the bystanders …we are now in the days of remembrance - but then we felt abandoned, forgotten. All of

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