
The Perils Of Indifference Speech

Decent Essays

Throughout history indifference among people has caused countless disputes that end badly. At the White House on April 12, 1999 there was a speech given by Eliezer Wiesel, that speech was “The Perils of Indifference”. The speech was given to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton (Mr. Clinton was the President at the time), members of Congress, Ambassador Holbrooke, Excellencies, and all Americans, but today everyone can learn and be influenced by this speech. The author himself is a Jewish man that lived through the Holocaust and he has became famous from writing about it. Within the speech Wiesel uses ethos, logos, and pathos to sway his audience into thinking that being indifferent is a terrible decision, and being indifferent has allowed horrendous acts to occur in the world. First Wiesel uses ethos to successfully build his argument. At the start of his speech he builds his credibility on the subject by telling a story of a young Jewish boy being liberated from the concentration camp called Buchenwald. This builds his credibility because he is that boy that has firsthand experience about what horrors indifference causes. He then brings religion into it, and wants to know where “those Christians”, “whose selfless acts of heroism saved the honor of their faith”, were (Wiesel, 3). This is important, because he has just called the people that are meant to be peaceful, nice, and the ones that should oppose anything like the Holocaust on doing nothing to stop the wrongdoing.When he

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