
The Pets Revealed In Kathryn Stockett's The Help

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Imagine, you are a colored woman in the 1960’s. The job of being a maid is the only job available to you, the pay is not good, and, you are treated lesser than the rest of society. This was the life of many colored women in the 1960s of Jacksonville, Mississippi. In the novel The Help, author Kathryn Stockett tells the story of the maids aka “the help” during this time. One white socialist and two maids put their stories and talents together to pull off one of the greatest scandals in their Jacksonville community . This book has taught me; that attitude is everything, love is not limited to family, and risks should be taken to let your voice be heard. The maids were treated poorly by the families they worked for but they kept their character and attitude as positive as they could.. Raising their …show more content…

Due to the fact that in this time, white people thought they were above the help, they had no compassion or respect. Aibileen one of the main characters,, in her entire career has raised 17 children. Mae Mobley, her 17th child was hit by her mother who had no clue how to raise her. Watching, hearing, and feeling the pain of Mae Mobley getting hit Aibileen was “ biting [her] tongue” (Stockett 22). As badly as she wanted to yell at this women, she had to remember this was her boss and in this time it would be unrealistic for her to say anything. One woman in particular Hilly Holbrook, tries to antagonize aibileen in front of a group of her friends. Instead of mouthing off like she wanted to “aibileen just stood there”( Stockett

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