
The Phaedrus : Love And Its Effects On The Soul

Decent Essays

The Phaedrus is a dialogue written by Plato about love and its effects on the soul. Briefly he writes about the mortality of written works explaining that they lose their immortality as soon as they are written. Through reading the Phaedrus and coming to my own conclusion and then comparing Plato’s conclusion and my own, I discovered that Plato is right, words are not immortal without their authors to explain them or support them and that we will always wonder at the meaning of their work without them to explain it.

“The same is true of written words. You’d think they were speaking as if they had some understanding , but if you question anything that has just been said because you want to learn more, it continues to signify just that very same thing forever.”( Plato, Line 275d 7- Line 275d 10). What Plato seems to be saying here, is that written words lose their immortality as soon as they have been written. Even though the words contain knowledge, without their author, as soon as words are put to the page they lose any life that they had because they no longer have the ability to expound or explain to their reader the knowledge that they contain and that they can only say what they’ve already said. Plato supports this argument saying, “And when it is faulted and attacked unfairly, it always needs it’s father’s support; alone it can neither defend itself nor come to its own aid”(Plato, Line 275e 3- Line 275e 5). When someone criticizes or questions the words on the page,

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