
The Plight Of African Americans In The 1930's

Decent Essays

In 1929 through 1939 was part of one of the worst depressions in all history, especially for the blacks and colored people(African Americans and Mexicans). Cotton prices went from 18 to 6 cents for a pound. Two thirds of the two million black or colored farmers that we're working earned nothing or went into debt because of the racial segregation or the great depression. Hundreds of thousands of sharecroppers left the land for the cities, leaving behind abandoned fields and abandoned homes. They had certain jobs called the "Negro jobs" such as busboys, elevator operators, garbage men, porters, maids, and cooks and of course farmers. Jim crow law was mostly a racism segregation law. That separated millions of colored families and …show more content…

Blacks were treated like nothing, no one wanted them, they were only used for work and were treated like trash. During the great depression most of the black farmers lost their job and caused it to tear up their families because of money problems. Most of the money problems were not having enough money for food or to pay their personal needs. Most colored people didn't like going out of their property because people would yell out " niggers go back to the Cottonfield " so they didn't go out as much. It was black discrimination in 1929-1939 for blacks. Due to the great depression and to the crow law, no one cared if colored people ate, had money or even died. Mostly what came first was always whites and if they had jobs. Blacks and Mexicans were in the same category as animals. Blacks suffered more because no one would give them jobs, Mexicans would get jobs that would involve cleaning and being maids for whites they would work for them clean their …show more content…

The segregation between blacks and whites was the worst part because of violence, jealousy and especially hatred for one another just because of skin color. Whites didn't want colored people to have jobs unless they had one first because they were “better” than them because of their skin color. Colored people had it really bad because they were treated like trash like nothing they would have limited privileges and would get in trouble for things they wouldn't intend to do. If colored people had jobs it would be them cleaning for whites or out in the fields picking cotton or farming just to get some money to feed their

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