
The Positives and Negatives of Fracking

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What is fracking? Fracking is the blasting of water and chemicals 8000ft into the earth to break apart the rock, but that’s not the true question. The true question is whether or not fracking is a positive or negative thing. Like most actions that make money, fracking has it’s positive and negative side effects, but which over powers the other? Below, I will discuss the opinions expressed in Gasland, Fracknation, Truthland, and other articles written on the subject, while offering my own opinion on the subject of fracking.
As depicted in the popular documentary Gasland, created by the New Yorker and Pennsylvanian Josh Fox, many negative effects come from fracking. He finds a personal connection to these issues since his family owns property in Pennsylvania that an oil and gas company wanted to drill on. This is what began his mission to find the truth about fracking. One of the most talked about and advertized scenes was when he lit water on fire, multiple times. This caused all sorts of uproar across the nation as people who had wells drilled on their properties became paranoid that this would also happen to them. He also found many people along his journey that suffered from neurological issues, headaches, dizziness, peripheral neuropathy, swelling, and a loss of the senses of smell and/or taste, all of which they contributed to fracking. Fox points out that sometimes, toxic water that comes from fracking is dumped into local streams or fields contaminating the water

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