
The Pressure Of Society In The Sociology Of Leopard Man

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“Living in society, we are under constant pressure to surrender our individuality to the will of the majority, the school, the workplace, the family, etc.” (Feys, P.6). Logan Feys, the author of “The Sociology of Leopard Man”, states that society is persistently under pressure to change our individual likings, personality, change the way we look, etc. to feel accepted and approved by society. The desire to fit in and not be an outsider with social groups causes people to feel pressured and change themselves to fit in. Fey’s statement is correct that people conform with society to not be an outsider or avoid the fear of possibly being an outsider. Most people will change themselves and conform to fit in with the groups of people they want to be apart of. The pressure of society causes people to form themselves into someone that they believe that others would like and accept them. Logan Feys states, “They may call themselves “non-conformists,” but most antisocial freaks, in their obsession with displaying their freakishness, are just as dependent on others’ opinions as approval-seeking socialites.” (Feys, P. 2). This quote claims that not everyone changes for society’s requirements and that being a “freak” is similar to people changing for people’s approval. There’s also those people that don’t follow society’s requirements and be themselves, non-conformists. Non-conformist are people that live for their individuality and their own choices. Non-conformists that are

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