
The Presumption Of Innocence And The Jury

Decent Essays

Stepan Zhigulin
Commerce assignment
Research question:
How do the presumption of innocence and the jury in QLD’s legal system impact on fairness of decisions handed down in court and how does it affect the community?

Intro: QLD’s legal system mainly consists of juries, evidences, standards of proof, court personnel, court hierarchies and presumptions of innocence. QLD’s legal system made, so it is fair to the victim and to the community, but there are still some missing points that lead to limited fairness.

The jury:
In QLD’s legal system the jury plays a big role. Jury consists of a group of twelve adults that are used in criminal trials and are picked randomly from the community. “A jury determines whether an accused person is guilty of a crime” (kleeman, 2013). If the jury fails to reach level of argument (11-1) the judge will have to order a new jury with a new trial.

The jury in the QLD’s legal system tries to be as fair as possible to the victim and community. All adults of both sexes, whatever political opinions, education, age or religious beliefs can serve as a jury. “Their presence means that the criminal justice system is not a self-enclosed and self-justifying system, but that all trials on indictment are determined by members of the community within the framework of a fair trial conducted according to law by the judge.” (QLD hearsay, 2009) Also it is more likely that victim will accept jury’s verdict rather than magistrates or judge’s because

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