
The Prevalence Rates Of Ptsd Within Children And Adolescents

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There are a variety of evidence based practices that are being implemented for children and families within the welfare system. Many of these contemporary evidence based practices can be found online. The website known as The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare contains a list of all the different evidence based practices related to topics such as, anger management, substance abuse treatment, interventions for neglect, and depression treatment. One successful contemporary evidence based practice that has shown great effectiveness is known as Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). The primary focus of this paper will consist of TF-CBT and will explore the methodology and effectiveness of this …show more content…

TF-CBT is an evidence based practice that has evolved in the past 25 years and has been extensively researched within the treatment of PTSD and trauma effects such as depression, distress, anxiety, and cognitive and behavioral problems. This paper will contain a detailed description of the methodology of TF-CBT and an examination of a few peer reviewed studies, which tests the effectiveness TF-CBT has on children and adolescents who suffer from PTSD, neglect, or other trauma impacts.
Some of the trauma that children and adolescents experience or witness may consist of sexual abuse, neglect, maltreatment, violence, physical abuse, vehicular accidents, and crimes. As previously mentioned these traumatic events may cause PTSD and other common comorbidities such as anxiety, depression, and possibly aggressive or impulsive behavior. To better understand how TF-CBT treatments help, it may be useful to understand what exactly PTSD is, and what it looks like in children and adolescents. According to the DSM-IV (2013), PTSD consists of persistent re-experiencing of the trauma experienced, avoidance of traumatic reminders such as certain people, places, and conversations, a general numbing of emotional responsiveness, and chronic physiological hyper arousal. Generally children with PTSD characteristically look different than adults whom are suffering from PTSD. The National Center for PTSD article displayed by the U.S. Department

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