
The Professor: A Fictional Narrative

Good Essays

The Professor Katherine's hands convulsed as she walked through the door of her first class as a freshman at UNCW. It had took a lot of work to get her this far. She had worked three jobs while in High School in Illinoi. This university was not by any means cheap, she still had to take out students loans so she was already in a plethora of debt. She had packed and repacked her bookbag a million times last night worrying about whether she had everything. Her roommate, Cara, looked her with utter annoyance after she got out of bed for the fifth time to change the clothes she had laid out. She scanned the crowd in the lecture hall, trying to find a familiar face even though she knew she wouldn't see any. …show more content…

“Hey Mom said not swearrrrrrr,” Thomas whimpered. He was small for his age and sensitive to anything that Katherine said. “You won't tell her,” Katherine muttered not looking up from her phone. Their parents, both lawyers, came through the door at that moment returning from a banquet they attended for work. Katherine gave Thomas a look that told him to shut his mouth. “Hey Mom and Dad, how your thing?” Katherine said cheerfully. Her mother looked at her skeptically and replied, “Our banquet went very well thank you.” With that Katherine ran up to her room shouting good nights so she could finally get to what she wanted to do all night. She jumped into her bed with delight and turned on Vampire Diaries. It was her favorite show to binge watch, she never got tired of the plot of characters even though it was poorly done. Before she knew it she had fallen asleep twenty minutes into the first episode, she drifted off slowly dreaming of nothing. …show more content…

The prints were enormous revealing that they belonged to a broad man. She took forensics sophomore year and only remember a few things from it. In the bathtub was two bodies laid on top of each other, their identities unrecognizable from the blood and wounds that devoured them. Katherine knew who they were though,her parents. The same ones she was a brat to earlier. And know they are gone. Tears flew down her cheeks as a small wail escaped her lips. The sudden realization that she was alone only made her wail louder. “Oh why such the long face little bird?” A voice drawled out behind her with a sickly sweet southern accent. Katherine's whole body froze as she heard voie. Cautiously she turned her head to see a tall male figure looming over. Most of his features were hidden by the night but that didn't stop her eyes from gleaming into the darkness. His eyes shone a ice cold blue, the color of the sky after a storm. Something about them filled Katherine were dread, she look inside them and saw an utter chill of no emotion.

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