
The Pros And Cons Of Body Cameras

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Body Cameras
The attention towards the use of body-worn cameras had risen as a result of the increase in the use of violence by police officers against civilians in the past three to four years. During this increase, media has played a large role, airing videos of the incidents and of the protest that followed such incidents. However, most of the videos shown were filmed by bystanders, and only contain fragments of the incident, which can be taken out of context (CNN, 2015). In order to provide a decrease in the use of violence and to have an efficient way to capture visual evidence, police officers should consider using body-worn cameras.
Although body-worn cameras already being a well-supported topic, there are still some unanswered questions such as when should a police officer turn their body-worn camera on or off (Kelsh, 2016). However, there is already an answer to this question, although it might differ per police department, and that is a good policy on body-worn cameras. There are many policies where the police officers are encouraged to only turn on their body-worn cameras when they are among the public (Baum, 2015). Failure to do so could land police officers in a great deal of …show more content…

It is said that once a police-citizen interaction occurs, where they are both aware that they are being filmed, they will try to put on their best behavior. One of the key findings from a study published in the Journal of Experimental Criminology is that officers who did not wear body-worn cameras conducted both more arrest and more “stop and frisks” than officers who did wear the body-worn cameras (Kelsh, 2016). This indicates that officers are more cautious and risk averse when wearing body-worn cameras, this due to the fact that they thought more carefully about criminal policy and

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