
The Pros And Cons Of Civil War Memorials

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Shortly after the passage of Jim Crow Laws, statues of Confederate leaders and generals were sculpted and placed in public areas. Over 100 years after the Civil War, the question has arisen over whether these statues should be destroyed, or remain where they are. Many people have noted the high expenses that removing statues would require, however, others have argued that the statues were put up as a scare tactic, rather than as a memorial, and are a reminder of our past that prevent African Americans from being able to move on. The statues are daunting to the public and are known to be an emblem of white supremacy, so they don’t belong in a public area. They shouldn’t be destroyed, though, but instead placed in museums with compilations of other Civil War memorials.
Destroying and removing confederate statues is extremely expensive. It would take millions of dollars to transfer every statue to a museum, and taxpayers would be expected to contribute to those millions of dollars. Millions of people are already suffering from extreme poverty across the United States, so adding additional taxes to their bills could mean foreclosure of their house or a week without food. When poverty is something that a family is dealing with, every penny counts, so even a slight increase in taxes could make a catastrophic difference. Also, the money spent on removing statues could be donated to companies or people in need, bettering our economy, rather than causing Americans to spend

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