
The Pros And Cons Of Cloning

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Imagine a world with only clones, where not one person was unique, and where armies are just clones. Cloning should not be allowed to happen as people will not have anything unique about themselves, and it doesn’t only apply to people, it also applies to animals. People want to clone animals to have their beloved pets back, but they don't realize that the animals will only look the same physically, not mentally, and by that I mean that those pets will not have the memories of the original pet, which also applies to humans. And while cloning can bring benefits through research, it is morally wrong. Cloning, human or animal, is not right and it should not be allowed to happens as it takes away uniqueness. We also definitely should not allow our taxes to go to cloning because it is morally wrong as it can be used for bad things from selling them on the black market, to letting parents decide how their children will turn out, and maybe, even an army of clones.
Cloning, human or animal, is not right and it should not be allowed to happens as it takes away uniqueness. Uniqueness is something precious that you have in life from birth. To have that taken away from you would be violating your right to live. What makes you so special if your parents can decide how you turn out? You want to have something that distinguishes you, because that's what makes you unique. “It will closely resemble the original animal in physical appearance and behavioral tendencies.”(Said, pg.2). “Cloning

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