
The Pros And Cons Of Genital Cutting

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Genital Cutting
Genital cutting is the act of cutting or removing any part of the genitals or sexual organs for non-medical reasons, and is practiced in many parts of the world. Each culture genital cutting is attached to assigns it its own traditions, rituals, and meanings; and it is important to examine each instance in its own cultural context and historical period. When any practice is removed from the latter or the former, it loses valuable information surrounding it that changes the light and meaning of it. The most common representation of genital cutting represented is that done to women, particularly in impoverished areas, or areas portrayed as so, in countries Western settings view to be inferior or “third world,” particularly countries on the African continent. However, there are several types of genital cutting practiced on men, women, and intersexed persons in across multiple continents and classes.
Thus, female genital cutting, the most commonly covered type of genital cutting logically seems to be the type to discuss first. Female genital cutting has also been referred to as female genital mutilation (FGM) and female circumcision, however both of these terms are loaded with different connotations. Female genital mutilation, as discussed by Christine J. Walley of New York University in her article “Searching for “Voices”,” “carries the implicit assumption that parents and relatives deliberately intend to harm children,” (Walley, 407); moreover, “mutilation”

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