
The Pros And Cons Of Physician Assisted Suicide

Decent Essays

Physician-assisted suicide, “suicide by a patient facilitated by means or by information provided by a physician aware of the patient's intent” (Merriam Webster), has been debated over for many years. It has often been called a death with dignity, “but there’s nothing dignified about the methods they advocate” (Torr et al. 56). Physician-assisted suicide has been a widely publicized controversy, and yet there have been many misunderstandings about the issue. It is not only a means of death for a comatose or dying patient, but it is also a way to kill people with depression and even infants in some places of the world. Although others may argue that physician-assisted suicide is an opportunity for the elderly and the disabled to make a choice about their death, euthanasia would threaten them more than give them freedom. Permitting this malicious practice does not just discard religion and ethics, but it also desensitizes society to killing, advertising physician-assisted suicide as a simple solution. …show more content…

It has been argued that everyone has the right to a choice and allowing physician-assisted suicide (PAS) would give patients just that. Although this is true, not only would PAS give patients a choice, it would also threaten them, along with the elderly and the disabled. PAS can cultivate a completely immoral way of thinking in people who are not the elderly, dying, or disabled. It can cause them to think that these people in question are burdens and that “ending a disabled person's life is in everyone's interest” (Asch). This way of thinking would intimidate many patients and lead to them feeling less of themselves, more of a weight in society than a

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