
The Pros And Cons Of Physician Assisted Suicide

Decent Essays

Imagine walking into your doctors’ office but never coming back out. It is possible that euthanasia or physician assisted suicide has occurred. Euthanasia occurs when a doctor intentionally kills the patient without any assistance from the patient itself. Physician-assisted suicide occurs when a doctor provides the substance that does the killing and the patient uses it on themselves. Euthanasia became a modern issue after two German men published a book called, “The Release of the Destruction of Life Devoid of Value” (Harrigan online).The book supported the “killing of worthless people.” It caused lots of propaganda supporting euthanasia and children were taught the benefits of mercy killing, the killing of people to end suffering. (Harrigan …show more content…

First of all, it would be going against the Hippocratic Oath which is the oath that all medicine practitioners have to take and follow (Ruggles online). The original English version of the oath states,” I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect” (Ruggles online). This means that the said physician will not give any harmful medications or drugs to the patient, even if it was a request. Going against the Hippocratic Oath would mean that the doctor is violating their rights and responsibilities as a healer and becoming the killer. Another damage to the medicinal world would be that it gives too much power to the doctor. According to a 1990 government sponsored survey in the Netherlands, 0.8% of all euthanasia deaths were involuntary, meaning without consent of the patient (Marker online). In 1995, the same survey found out that Dutch doctors performed involuntary euthanasia on 948 patients (Marker online). Legalizing euthanasia could lead to more involuntary euthanasia and the deaths of innocent people who have their lives taken away from them. It gives doctors too much power because they have the power and technology to end another person’s life. Involuntary euthanasia is also illegal because euthanasia is meant to be legally performed after one written request and two oral requests from the patient …show more content…

If euthanasia happens to become legalized, there would be a large amount of news coverage. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than 50 research studies discovered that “certain types of news coverage can increase the likelihood of suicide in vulnerable individuals” ( The publicizing of such sensitive topics can give people negative ideas and emotions and cause them to do some things that they would regret. Legalizing euthanasia would also change society’s normalities. According to Professor Margaret Somerville, “changing the law to allow physicians to carry out euthanasia—making an exception to the norm that we must not kill each other—would seriously damage these institutions’ capacity to carry that value” (Somerville online). This means that the legalization of euthanasia would promote the fact that killing is okay and would change the way the worlds’ take on killing now. It would tell the world that killing and suicide is okay and that is never a good option for

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