
The Pros And Cons Of Renewable Energy

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People always say work to change the future, but converting to renewable energy will change the present. According to Daniel Ciolkosz,who has advanced degrees in agricultural and architectural engineering, renewable energy is generated from natural resources that are not depleted when used. Some renewable energy sources include geothermal heat, solar, wind, and water (Ciolkosz). Wind power is turbines using the wind to spin a generator and create electricity. Solar power uses current technology to capture energy includes photovoltaic panels that turn sunlight into electricity directly without the need for a generator. Biomass is the use of plant matter and animal waste to generate electricity. Geothermal power is the use of heated water and steam from the Earth to run power stations, which turn the steam into electricity. Hydroelectric power is flowing water used to spin turbines which generate electricity (Danielson).The United States should convert to renewable energy sources like solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind, and biomass, because it will reduce global warming emissions, provide jobs, and be a more reliable form of energy compared to fossil fuels. Switching to renewable energy will save the Earth by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The world's energy production from coal is causing greenhouse gas emissions, which is causing global warming. Renewable energy sources reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, slowing the effects of global

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