
The Pros And Cons Of Social Work

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Numerous people from across the world work in many different professions. Almost all of the professions there is require workers to communicate and help people in some sort of aspect. For example, the profession of a police officer is to keep the public safe from criminal activity that may lead to harmful danger. The profession of a doctor is to keep the health from degrading for their patient. Many people who are not in these professions call for these types of people for mainly and most importantly, help with their life. When talking about jobs that help people, do people say the profession of a “social worker”? Is that one of the top jobs out there on people's list when they are naming helping professions in the work field. To be conducted into the field of social work, people must have knowledge, skills, and values about the profession. Having knowledge such as what social work is all about which can include research in whatever subject of help is needed. The skills to conduct a problem successfully, and the values of oneself to know what it takes within when working with different types of people. Some values also include self-determination and being nonjudgmental when communicating with their clients. (Dubois, & Miley, 2008, p. 47). What the general public think of social workers makes a big difference in how social workers will be able to aid clients with their needs. It’s their feedback in which social workers can take in and try to manage to bring the best

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