
The Pros And Cons Of Standardized Testing

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Why are Standardized Tests being taken more and more by students in the United States? What do these tests inform us about and what do they not inform us about? Are we positive that students are not cheating on these types of test? These questions are just a fraction of the question asked by parents, educational officials, teachers, and students, since the No Child Left Behind Law took action. Standardized Testing is a controversial topic that provides benefits and drawbacks of teacher and student progress. Standardized Tests are administered, scored, and interpreted in a consistent way so that a big group of students can be compared. The No Child Left Behind Law, was signed on January 8th, 2002 by George W. Bush. The law requires mandatory testing for all students starting at Grade three, the use of test results to evaluate performance of schools, and the reporting of test results to guardians or other stakeholders. Teachers include tasks in their daily activities to help plan for these test, including: developing vertical articulation of curriculum to align with test and coordinating students assignments based on test scores for remedial programs. The No Child Left Behind Act is what started mandatory testing, which leads to history of how and why we started testing. The First World War can be traced to this Large Scale testing. During the time of war, the military was deeply involved with the efficiency movement. Robert Yerkes, member of the APA proposed creating a

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