
The Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

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The Death Penalty

In Kellow Chesney's book The Victorian Underworld illustrates that the Victorians tried to use the death penalty as a means of controlling criminal elements in forms of hangings, lethal injection,Electrocution, and firing squads in order to prevent crime( the victorian underworld). in Victorian times, the death penalty was used as a means of controlling. There should be abolishment of this because of the countless innocent men and women being put to death for the stated purpose of preventing crime out of fear. So There should not be a death penalty because it violates human rights, it does not deter crime, and is a cruel and unusual punishment.
To begin with the death penalty is a violation of human rights. The form …show more content…

In conclusion the death penalty is an inhuman act of torture that doesn’t solve criminal justice. There should not be a death penalty because of the inhumanity and disregards of of human rights. The criminal process is abused and should not be used to prevent crime with the imposition of the death penalty(the death penalty 2013). There are a lot of citizens in numerous countries that are still unaware that the death penalty is a form of brutalization not the artical stating the death penalty does not deter crime they say Abolition is gaining ground, but not fast enough this is true is that state that many are still getting killed without justice being served( the death penalty 2009) . There should not be a death penalty because it violates human rights, it does not deter crime, and is a cruel and unusual punishment. The death penalty does not deter crime it increases it.

Works Cited
Amnesty International. “The Death Penalty Should Be Abolished.” Criminal Justice, edited by David Haugen and Susan Musser, Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 30 Oct. 2017. Originally published as “The

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