
The Pros And Cons Of The Neolithic Revolution

Decent Essays

Many responsibilities come with the job as the clan leader, one of which is where the group should go in the future. At this time, our world is going through a revolution, known as the Neolithic Revolution, where people are abandoning hunting and gathering and are practicing a different technique called farming. To farm, we must all stop moving from place to place but stay put in one place. You place seeds into the soil and plants grow after time. As the clan leader, I choose to relinquish the old hunting and gathering method and participate in the Neolithic Revolution. We will start to farm because there are too many drawbacks for our old ways and there are more valuable positives for farming than hunting and gathering. My decision is based …show more content…

Just a couple of positives for farming are that we will know where the food that we eat comes from, it is stable and predictable, opportunity for larger population, and we can use animals for our benefit in domestication. Since we are spending most of our time hunting and gathering, there is no time to entertain or create art that could strengthen our religious practices. Farming gives us the free time to entertain and make artistic creations because not all of our time will be focused on finding food. From farming, we will all know exactly where the food that we consume came from because we made it. This will make every single one of us healthier and stronger. Hunting and gathering is neither stable nor secure because finding enough of an animal or nonpoisonous plant is not always certain. We might be able to kill one deer a week but need three to feed our growing population. Farming is more stable, predictable, and constantly produces safe food to eat. Every winter, we have risked a scarce of food, and will continue that risk if we

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