
The Pros And Cons Of The Whaling Ban

Decent Essays

Despite the whaling ban in 1986 by the International Whaling Commission, some countries are refusing to stop doing this practice especially Japan. After the 1986 ban, Japan launched their supposed scientific whaling program which is widely known as their cover for their commercial whaling practice. Supporters of the whaling ban claim that reversing the ban will cause whale populations to become endangered or even extinct. Also, supporters of the IWC whaling ban say that the IWC should maintain the ban and establish stricter rules regarding the ban. Proponents also claim that the whale populations have yet to return to its former population before the excessive hunting happened. “Anti-whaling groups such as Greenpeace point to species such as the West Pacific gray whale, of which, according to some estimates, there are only about 100 left. According to Palumbi and Roman's whale population study, the North Atlantic humpback whale population before commercial whaling was more than 20 times what it is now.( )” Even with IWC whaling ban Japan, Iceland, and Norway continue to hunt illegally.
Additionally, supporters of ban suggest that it is completely idiotic to risk lifting the ban for countries who claim that whaling is a part of their culture. And that banning whaling, a practice that whale hunters were doing for centuries is cultural imperialism and is totally unacceptable. In response to the accusations of cultural imperialism, advocates of the whaling ban countered the

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