
The Protagonist In 'Their Eyes Were Watching God'

Decent Essays

In “Their Eyes Were Watching God” Janie Mae Crawford is obviously the Protagonist. In this book, there's a lot of people who don't really like Janie. The character that was strongly against Janie was Jody Starks. Jody Starks was Janie's second husband. He was able to take Janie away from Logan Killicks by promising the world to Janie. When they met in Janie’s backyard, he said the sweetest things to her; stuff she would want to hear. The next day Janie left Logan and Jody and her were off to Eatonville. He bought his way into Janie's life. At first she was impressed with how well he talked to strangers. He bought her fancy clothing and treats. Jody provided Janie with anything and everything she needed, but not what she wanted. While he was living up to his promises, at the same time he was also showing he is in a higher class by flaunting his wealth. Throughout their whole journey, his only concern was running Eatonville properly and becoming a Powerful Mayor. His Leadership was apparently more important than his Beautiful new wife. Janie soon realized that Jody is more interested in his success than in her. He is a self-centered conceited man with lots of power. He was only happy when he felt that he was in control. He needed to feel like the “Big Voice” before anything else. Janie was a young beautiful women which was “perfect” for the mayor. “Everybody was coming sort of fixed up, and he didn't mean for nobody else's wife to rank with her. She must look on herself as the

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