
The Protestant Reformation And The Middle Of The 17th Essay

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From the beginning of the 16th century, to the middle of the 17th, Europe was in a state of religious turmoil. In 1517, Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation, which drew many supporters, which divided Europe, not only geographically, but within individual states as well. In particular, England found itself going back and forth between Catholicism and Protestantism with each new ruler. Despite being half sisters, their religious policies were as different as night and day, having different state religions and persecution against those of the opposite faith. The policies of their father,
Henry VIII, provide a background for their opposing views, along with how their upbringing shaped them. Another political situation similar to that of Mary and Elizabeth was the War of the Three Henries, with Henry of Navarre and Henry, Duke of Guise. Mary I and Elizabeth I had very different religious policies, differing in faith, and styles of persecution, which can be explained through their father Henry
VIII, and are comparable to Henry of Navarre and Henry, Duke of Guise.
Mary I and Elizabeth I had radically different religious policies . On one hand, Mary was
Catholic, and Elizabeth was Protestant. The former was an extreme example of her faith. Being a devout
Catholic, Mary was eager to restore Catholicism in England, and was quick to marry Philip II of Spain.
Spain was known to be an extremely Catholic nation, having its own Inquisition, and expelling the
Moors/Jews under

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