
The Puritans: The Most Important Values

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Puritans Most Important Values The Puritans are a group that were purely devoted to the bible around the 1600 they began traveling to the U.S. They did this to seek new opportunities, and in hopes to show england the right way to live, for example raising children. The way Puritan children were raised was very specific and if not raised correctly the family would be looked down upon. Three very important values that had to be instilled in children were behaving appropriately, living by the bible, and obeying parents. One Value Instilled at a young age would be a child's behavior. Young children would be punished for even thinking about lying or cursing. “If he be tempted unto cursing, swearing, lying, or the calling of wicked names, he thinks, No my heavenly Father does cast children unto those flames where they shall not have a drop of water to cool their tongues, for such crimes as these.”(6) This is an example of a punishment for having negative thoughts. This is a strict punishment today but would have been very normal to the Puritans. They had very strict punishments to teach kids early on how to behave. …show more content…

I know this because Eleazar Mather said they left England “to ensure their children's spiritual welfare, to leave god in the midst of them.” This is proof that the bible was something to live by in Puritan culture. “Gracious little children endeavour to know God, as thus an heavenly father to them...” (6) Meaning childrens goal is to know God and follow his teachings. Evidence that the scriptures were a way of life in Puritan

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