
The Pursuit Of Equality In The Declaration Of Independence

Decent Essays

Recently in America, a protest in Charlottesville shook the nation. As white supremacists and anti-white supremacists clashed 3 people died and over a dozen people were injured. However, all of this could have been solved if everyone believed in equality. Equality is a major current issue that the world struggles to achieve. In June 1776, Thomas Jefferson was asked by the Continental Congress to write a Declaration of Independence from England. In this draft Jefferson listed several important ideals including the unalienable rights, consent of govern, equality, and the right to alter and abolish the government. Of these ideals the unalienable rights, the Consent of the Govern, and the equality for all Americans of the United states are the three important parts of the Declaration of Independence. One important ideal is the unalienable rights. The unalienable rights are what ensures every American the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson stated his belief in this ideal when he wrote, “ . . . They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” This means that people are allowed to have the bare minimum of rights like life, liberty, and happiness. One primary source that reflects this idea is the speech of Andrew Sullivan. In this speech he describes life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He says, “I believe in life . . .

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