
The Rape Victim Empathy Level Summary

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In order to convict a rapist a jury must feel sympathy for the victim, because of course having your body violated is not enough. This is what they call the “Rape Victim Empathy Scale” (Ferrão14). This particular study found that obviously women were most sympathetic to victims (Ferrão 16). Conjointly most of the participants assumed the victims were female and the perpetrators were male. Although true this creates a certain intolerance for males who are victimized by men and women. Men are victims of rape as well and it is important to recognize that. The “Rape Victim Empathy Scale” study also showed women who experienced assault were more sympathetic than women who had not. Empathy for rape victims are key factors in prosecuting the rapist …show more content…

In New York rape is categorized as a hate crime, and the definition of rape in that state is forced penile penetration of a vagina. Such a limited definition is problematic for other kinds of rape victims. This could send a message to victims who are male or experienced a different kind of rape such as penetration of a foreign object or other sexual harassment. When they need to send a clear message that every rape because no two rapes are alike, that they will receive justice for the specific act committed against them. Rape Culture affects the justice system and the way a man is prosecuted by trivializing and chastening the …show more content…

In the article Rape as a Hate Crime :An Analysis of a New York Law , the author citing the novel Against Our Will, In which states that men do not candidly rape for sexual desire, they rape to achieve some sort of power (Brownmiller 26). Power that society tells a rapist they will gain when sexually dominating a victim. Rape is typically committed by someone who already has power in a victim’s life wanting to acquire more, such as a father, priest, husband, cousin, teacher, etc (Engelstein 96). Rape is the most degrading act you can commit to a human being and that is its intended use to degrade, destroy, and promote misogyny through lust driven

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