
The Rashomon Effect

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The various interpretations of the same event by different people in which contradict each other, is known as the Rashomon effect. The phrase comes from the film Rashomon, and it is about a murder and rape case. It also involves the different stories of each witness. Many times, when something happens, people tend to share about the specific event based on what they hear or see. In this case, point of view plays a great role. As far as the Rashomon film itself, there are many cases in society ranging from minor ones to major ones which use the Rashomon effect. For example, the Orenthal James Simpson (OJ) case. The case itself deals with a former football player, O.J. Simpson who is charged with the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman. What I find both interesting and revealing, is the fact that each witness that testifies, describes O.J.’s mode in a different way based on their perception of him. On July 10, 1995, the murder trial of O.J. Simpson began with the testimony of his oldest daughter, 26, Arnelle Simpson. Arnelle stated that her father was emotional, distraught, and out of control when he had heard of Nicole Simpson’s death. On June 12, …show more content…

While walking his dog Heidstra stated that he heard two men arguing. Due to the obnoxious barking from Nicole Simpson’s dog, Heidstra said that he heard one of the men shout “Hey! Hey! Hey,” followed by the response of the other man in which he could not hear clearly. According to Prosecutor Christopher Darden, Heidstra told his friend Patricia Barret, that he was able to hear both voices. One of which sounded like a young white man and one of an older black man, whom he believes to be O.J. How can that be? “You can’t tell by someone’s voice when they’re black” Cochran stated. Anyone can have any kind of voice no matter what race they

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