
The Reasons For The Europeans Voyage Of Exploration At The End Of The Sixteenth Century

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The reason for the Europeans voyage of exploration at the end of the Sixteenth Century was because in the past ages the Europeans thought that the earth was flat. In the exploration of the world they had known the world to be the “Age of Discovery”. They only knew about the land that was close to their home and country. They wanted to explore the world by sea so that could search for new trading partners, new goods, and new trading routes. The major differences among the colonists in the Chesapeake, Middle Colonies, and New England were there governance, economy, social structure, and the American Indians. In the Chesapeake, Virginia was governed by a royal charter until 1624 and Maryland was a proprietary colony which gave the Calvert all the right to appoint governors and also control the government. Economically, Virginia and Maryland big cash crop between the two states were tobacco. Social structure minority consisted of mostly free men and women, as the majority consisted of laborers and servants, which they became free after a certain period of time. Around the 1700s slaves had become a wide proportion of the southern population. The social and political was very much similar to England. The American Indians in the 1640, being a native population in Virginia decreased from 20,000 to 10,000. By 1670s only about a dozen tribes and 2,000 Native American remained in the colony. In the Middle Colonies, they experience a lot of diversity in their settlement. New York was

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