
The Red Badge Of Courage By Stephen Crane Essay

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Fictional Role-Models Through their writings, authors have an incredible power. They can paint mystical forests, dark alleys, and awe inspiring castles. Authors can invoke in us overwhelming joy or crushing sadness. Their unique ability has created lifetime friends and loved ones for almost every person on the planet. Perhaps their greatest impact, however, is their ability to set role models for impressionable readers. As the creators of the universe within their novels, authors have the final say over what is “right” and what is “wrong” within the book. As a result, they have a significant influence as to what each reader perceives as the virtuous actions in their writing. It is through an author’s ability to make a character come to life and seem human that they either succeed or fail in this venture. In the Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane, Crane is able to create a character that succeeds at this highly. Despite times in the novel where Crane’s character appears to act without any virtue at all, Crane is able to humanize him and eventually he turns into a role model for readers. The novel opens with Crane’s character, Henry Fleming, sitting in his regiment 's camp debating with his comrades whether or not they will see conflict soon. Early in the novel, Fleming is illustrated as a young man simply trying to find his place in the world. He grew up romanticizing conflict and battles through his reading of Homer’s epics and wanted to experience the “glory in them”

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