
The Reformation Of The Catholic Church

Good Essays

Jackson Dukes
Mr. Levy
3 March 2017
Killer Catholics
Though millions of Catholics were brainwashed by higher-ranking church officials through cynical, selfish teachings, the reformation of the Catholic Church saved an immeasurable amount of lives by gaining religious freedom in Europe.
I. Brainwashed Catholics
A. Forced to work as slaves to church
1. Expected to work for free
2. Never taught any differently
B. Forced to pay tithes
1. Rich people bribed
2. Relics as tribute
C. Burned at stake for alternate beliefs
1. No legal alternative
2. No tolerated deviations
II. Cynical, selfish teachings
A. Heaven only accessible through priest
1. Pastor was passport
2. Rogue teachings taught to ignorant people
B. Taught to work for …show more content…

This assumption has all the evidence it needs to be upheld. Though millions of Catholics were brainwashed by higher-ranking church officials through cynical, selfish teachings, the reformation of the Catholic Church saved an immeasurable amount of lives by gaining religious freedom in Europe.
To hit the tip of the iceberg, high-ranking church officials would brainwash regular citizens. Though not the type of brainwashing seen in movies, church officials found an even more efficient way to make sure their followers stayed put. Officials forced people to work for the church (“The Roman Catholic Church in 1500”). Though it seems that Catholics could have chosen not work for the church, that is how they were always taught. These rogue teachings were frequently taught to young, ignorant people so that a priest would have to ability to remain in power (“The Roman Catholic Church in 1500”). According to Wongoo Shim, the Catholic Church also used relics as revenue which could be bought by the people. These relics pardoned sins and granted access to heaven (Shim). Rich families would often buy their way into a higher-ranking church position. Separately, peasants were left desperate after having to pay for christenings, marriages, burials, and anything else that required help from the church (“The Roman Catholic Church in 1500”). There was no other legal alternative for people. The Catholic Church did not tolerate any deviance from its teachings.

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