
The Reign Of Nazi Germany

Decent Essays

The reign of Nazi Germany was arguably the most horrific eras the world has ever seen. Led by German chancellor, Adolf Hitler, the Holocaust annihilated six million European Jews because he felt that Jews were “inferior,” to the “racially superior” German’s. (1) The word Holocaust originates from Greek, meaning “sacrifice by fire.” (2) The rise of the Nazi empire, though, did not happen over-night.

The beginning of the Nazi reign meant the ending of the Weimar Republic, which was a democracy that was put into place at the end of World War One. On January 30, 1933. Adolf Hitler was appointed as the chancellor of Germany. Once he gained his power, the Third Reich took Germany by force, and stripped its occupants of many basic freedoms. Within the first month, the Nazis added a new policy of “coordination” which aligned people and organizations with Nazis philosophies by taking control of the laws, culture, education, churches, and the economy. The main way the Reich spread its ideals was propaganda. (3)

In August of 1934, once to Paul von Hindenburg, the President of Germany, died, Hitler took post and claimed the presidency. Hitler was the Reich Chancellor, Reich President, and Fuehrer. This meant that Hitler was the head of state, the head of the government, and the head of the Nazi party. By way of Germany’s domestic legislation and foreign policies, Hitler set out to eliminate those who are “racially inferior.” (3)

The goal of the Holocaust was not only to eradicate

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