
The Relationship Between Huckleberry Finn And The Former Slave Jim

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During the time of slavery, there wasn’t much interaction between whites and blacks. Most African Americans in the southern states were under slavery, and had certain limits they couldn’t break. The relationship between Huckleberry Finn and the former slave Jim, was very unique and complex at times. During their trip down the Mississippi, Huck’s conscience was catching up to him. Knowing and embracing the consequences of helping a slave run away, Huck and Jim always stuck together throughout the novel. Throughout Huck’s life, he was raised on racism from his father and the town around him. The Widow he had lived with, had a lot of slaves on their property. One of them, which was Jim. This was always hard on Huck, because he felt like the Widow did a lot for him in his life, and he betrayed her by keeping Jim safe. Also, Huck never had that one meaningful person in his life he could look up too. Jim was filling that position throughout the novel, because Huck had feelings that he thought he would never have for a slave. I believe this element of the story is connected to the idea of being “American” because during this time, slaves often tried to escape. The way Jim had escaped, mimics the stories of the famous Underground Railroad. So, Mark Twain throws in some historical examples that mirrors this trip.
While Huck Is feeling guiltier for his decision to run away with Jim, he has many chances to give him up. The first example comes when two men on a skiff with guns ask Huck

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