
The Removalists: Summary

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The Removalists raised three fundamental questions: One socio-cultural (Is Australian society violent of its essence?) Political (do the forces of law and order rest on violence?) Psychological (do all of us have the kinds of aggressive instincts or behaviour patterns which Williamson depicts?) Characterisation: The ocker character used an exaggerated language that existed in the streets. He had limited range of values and experiences a negative view of women, he drank excessively, vulgar. He disliked losing control of any social or work situation. He was egotistical bullying intolerant dominant and loud in conversation with others. His speech was lurid vulgar offensive and usually derogatory in a racist sexist tone. The ocker …show more content…

The reader is willing to see Ross as inadequate but in fact. It is Ross who succumbs to violence and bashes Kenny near to the death at the play’s end. The fact that Ross is a victim of circumstance does not exonerate him. The removalist is a worker who is only concerned with himself and getting his money. The removalist is without compassion. The removalist removes human kindness. The removalist refuses to get involved. His only concern is for money and himself. His job as a removalist gives him masculine importance and therefore credibility, possibly respect or so he thinks Language: The language used in The Removalists is brutal and bawdy and functions as verbal violence (dominated by men). The power struggle between them is fought with aggressive, ridiculing languages and physic violence. Clichés with sexual innuendo occur frequently and are used in retaliation. They use words to advance their cause (Simmonds coerces Kate into making herself sexuality available. Kenny encourages Sergeant to lose his temper and can build a legal case against him. Words are used to antagonise and provoke so that the accuser can achieve dominance. Words of irony are used by characters to put forward an ‘ideal’ behaviour which they themselves fall short of (Simmonds talks that he has never lost his temper. But in Kenny case, he punches him in front of women.) The crudity and cliché in the language is at times so excessive that do people really mean what they say.

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