
The Rhetoric Of Jonathan Foer's Against Meat

Decent Essays

The Rhetoric of Vegetarianism: An Analysis of Jonathan Foer’s “Against Meat” In his 2009 article “Eating Meat,” Jonathan Safran Foer uncovers the cruel and gruesome truth about factory farms and how they violate animal rights. Foer believes changing food habits prevents the sufferings of animals. He explains that factory farmed animals are suffering due to their inhuman living conditions and style of killing. Foer explains that chickens are cramped with twisted legs and cows are skinned or dismembered while still conscious. In addition, Foer clarifies that after making an animal suffer and go through torture, it is just plain wrong to eat it. Foer would often acknowledge his grandmother’s story, emphasizing her famine during the War and how she had refused a piece of meat offered to her. Even though she had been starving for days, she refused the piece of meat. It starts off with a passage called “The Fruits of Family Trees,” Foer uses pathos to touch the readers with his grandmother’s story. “Food for her, is not food. It is terror, dignity, gratitude, vengeance, joy humiliation, religion, history and love” (450). Food has a different meaning and impact on Foer’s grandmother after her horrific experience during World War 11 trying to survive off of …show more content…

The moral of the story is don’t take anything for granted. She uses a metaphor comparing war to hell, “During the war it was hell on earth, and I had nothing” (460). While dying of hunger Foer’s grandmother rejects an offer that could save her life, a piece of meat, she says, “If nothing matters, there’s nothing to save” (460-461). Something that was interesting was the view he took out from his grandmother's story. The point he made was that just being alive isn't enough. We should accomplish more beyond being alive, whether you apply this ethically or to vegetarians and caring about

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